I've noticed the trees with their shadows and light illuminating in the sun and even the fog.....seeing reflections in the water and the two tone colors of miscellaneous things in a distance. I have seen things I don't normally see because I have started learning to paint. I have opened up a new world filled with wonders that reflect light and a rainbow of colors. In my photography I have seen composition and searched for the "right" light but in painting I am seeing the world in a whole new light. I am excited to have this adventure. I will post my work as I am learning and seeing through my imagination. This one is appropriately called "Pacific Northwest Camping." I used acrylics on canvas.
This blog is about art of all mediums discussed along with not only printing your art, but presenting, and publishing! Includes topics on my favorite artist, fine art painting, photography, writing, and just making anything crafty, and artistic!
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